Unfading Memories
The Jaguar Shoes post is quite long now, so we have located longer memories in this new post, like this. David Annwn wrote to remember: Black police vans speeding through evenings towards pickets. The Sheffield sound. All the patriot furore over the Falklands. People at college talking about ‘yomping’, Meetings in London/designing books/ publishing poets, Being with Eric Mottram, Lee Harwood, Jonathan Williams and whisky-fuelled evenings at Corn Close, The endless round of lecturing/marking. Going out for meals and being in my 30s but falling asleep over my food so exhausted. Spending twelve hours with Gyorgy and Marianne Gordon in their Joiner’s Shop house at Heath and never stopping the conversation on and on /hearing about Fascism and Communism they knew first hand. Jazz and Tom Verlaine. Adrian Clarke wrote to us to say this. - In the period covered by the anthology there was much discussion of a Cambridge/London divide. Its existence seems to have been forgotten or dism...